Alexander Vasilivich Berkov
Leeftijd< 74 jaar
Geboren20-12-1843teSint Petersburg (Rusland)
Gedoopt11-1-1844teSint Petersburg (Rusland)
Overleden< 1917te?
Vader Wicher (Vasily Ivanovitch) Berkhoff (Berkov)
 Geboren 21-8-1794
 Overleden 5-4-1870
Moeder Alexandrine Wolkow
 Geboren 1804
Broer  Elena Vasilievna *± 1828
Zus  Nadezhda Vasilievna *23-10-1834
Broer  Victor Vasilievich *15-12-1837
Zus  Alexandra Vasilievna *1-3-1840
Zus  Maria Vasilievna *15-3-1842
Huwelijk < 1870
metMaria Andreyevna Pivinsky
Kinderen  Alexander Alexandrovich
Nicolai Alexandrovitch
Notities persoonopleiding: Nikolayevskoye ingenieursschool.
Service (in short): He started service in the conductor company of this school on December 17, 1859. After graduation the school, was appointed to service in rank of ensign in the 5th sapper battalion.
On July 27, 1866, he was promoted to the rank of second lieutenant.
On January 6, 1869, he asked to discharge him “because of disordered family situation”, and this petition was satisfied by the Highest injunction of February 22, 1869. He was going to reside in St. Petersburg being retired.
Notities overlijdenzijn zoon heet in 1917 de zoon te zijn van de overleden majoor Berkov (bron: dienstdossier opgemaakt in 1917).